Thursday, December 29, 2011

anxiously awaiting...2012

I don't know why but every year around this time I just get antsy. I get melancholy, irritable and antsy to be precise. That is probably why I haven't written a post since before Christmas. I feel like the week between Christmas and New Year's is dragging like crazy this year and I am just ready for 2012 to be here so dang bad.
We had a great Christmas, so it is not as if anything bad happened but man I am just ready to m.o.v.e. o.n.

The other morning I couldn't sleep. All I could think about were things I want to change about myself. Things I want to do better in the new year. For instance, be more organized. Be a better blogger. Get a job that I love. Be a more responsible mom, (I am just really bad about following up with doctors appointments and stuff with my kids). That is pretty much it. I haven't ever really made New Years resolutions but this year I am and all of those things are on my list. Let's hope I can stick to them.

 This year was a good year for us. We found our new home in South Carolina and it has just been great. We have made lots of new friends that we truly enjoy spending time with. Things are looking up, I mean shoot compared to 2010 this year was a stellar year. It wasn't perfect. We are not exactly where we want to be in life and we are still adjusting to all the changes that such a big move bring you, but it's getting better. The way I see it 2012 is going to be even better yet.

I don't have much more to say, I just am not feeling real inspired right now but as soon as I do, I will be back. Happy New Year.


  1. I know exactly how you feel! I'm ready for the new year too! And I totally feel ya on the mom thing. I'm horrible about checking up on DR apt and remembering the shot cards. lol! Can't wait to see what 2012 brings. Hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year!

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  3. Thank you for the sweet comment. Three days into the new year and I am feeling good about 2012!
