If you are friends with me in real life or on facebook you know that I have a new found love. It's football. When we moved here to the upstate of South Carolina last year we learned very quickly that we were going to have to pick a team. Either Clemson, or University of South Carolina. Staying neutral round these parts is just about impossible. I mean here in the south we take our college football s.e.r.i.o.u.s. It is not a past time, it is a lifestyle. When you go out on a Saturday here in Greenville you quickly realize that there are mostly two sides with a few stragglers that like a few other southern teams. About forty percent of the people are wearing orange, forty percent of the people are wearing burgundy and the other 20 are wearing various other teams shirts and jerseys. Like Wofford, Furman, Georgia, and Tennessee. Those are about the most popular around here. People fly the flags out of their cars, they wear the clothes, they have several bumper stickers...I mean they just love their team.
Look at that sea of orange. I mean is that cool or what?
After watching a game or two I realized that I was going to pick Clemson. The spirit at that school is infectious. I watched how the coach interacted with the players and I was real impressed. Clemson had a real good season and it was just great watching them. Unfortunately last week they lost at the Orange Bowl to WVU (that's West Virginia University for those of you who aren't in the know). It was not a great game, watching Clemson play so poorly was rough. It was as if they didn't even show up. I was a little sad, but then I realized that football season wasn't over, we still had the pros!! Woo hoo! Since I have been so involved in the college stuff that I hadn't really chosen a team. Growing up I was a Cowboys fan. I didn't have a reason. It was mostly because my dad's family were all Cowboys fans. My Grandpa knew one of the owners, or the manager or maybe a coach, shoot I don't know, I just know that my cousin has pictures of himself on Roger Staubach's shoulders cause he met them at training. (I honestly am not even positive it was Staubach, but it was one of the big players from the 70's) anyway, to make this long football story even longer...sheesh, I have a lot to say about this game, don't I? Watching a few of the pro games last weekend I decided on my team...I am now a die hard, fleur de lis loving, black and gold wearing....SAINTS FAN. Yep, it happened that quick. It was love at first sight. I watched Drew Brees doing one of his chant things with his team before the game and that was all it took. I was hooked.
He is just awesome. One thing I have learned that for me, I can't like a team if I am not crazy about the quarterback. I am crazy about Drew Brees. I mean don't get me wrong, I could have easily gone with the Broncos...that Tim Tebow is pretty cool. The only thing is the Broncos are not a southern team...and I have got to stay loyal to my southern roots. (I realize that my roots are not southern but just humor me okay, I like to pretend like I am a southern belle) So tomorrow Drew and the boys are playing at 4:30 est. and you can bet your sweet gumbo I am going to be watching. I will try to get some pictures of me in action during the game. I have been known to stand up and dance once in a while and maybe make some calls that are not even close to what is really happening in the game...oh well, I am learning.
That's good that you got back in to sports,you wait in till you really feel it, your heart will be pumping and beer is flying, stomping your feet and screaming in till you can't scream no more. Ya super bowl is coming!! Can't wait!! then next it's time to switch gears then it's NASCAR and hear come the tail gate party's then it starts all over again.. So are you ready for some super bowl!!!!????? Chat with you later....