Monday, January 16, 2012

Wrapping up a four day weekend

Four day weekends with the kids is just perfect. It's not too long (I always feel Christmas break is a little long) and it's a little longer than the average 3 day so they kind of feel like they got a break.
 Tomorrow begins their second semester. My oldest is a Junior in high school...ugh. how can that be? My youngest is in 6th grade, first year of middle school. Can't quite believe that one either. My youngest asked me to pick up a few school supplies today while I was out and about. She only asked for a few things. My kids have been so good about knowing we live differently now and we are always on a tight budget, so she didn't ask for things that I knew she could use. I decided to surprise her and replace all her folders, her binder, mechanical pencils, a new pack of high lighters and a pack of 80's colored Sharpies. (their words not mine, that is how they are packaged! ha!) So I brought home all of her loot and had her close her eyes while I laid it all out on the table, which of course had I known this was going to be a blog post I would have taken pictures...and if she wasn't already in bed I would re-create it. Lol. It was that good. She was so excited, so grateful and just appreciative as can be. I love that. I love that things my kids took for granted for years are so exciting and new now. They have learned so much humility and gratefulness through all of this.
The binder and folder I bought were just the plain colored type. They were bright and springy but just plain. Well shoot, all you need is some vinyl and a cricut and you can fix that.
I polka dotted and labeled each of her folders. I added a yellow happy face to the hot pink folders and an orange peace sign to all the yellow folders. The font and graphics are from the cricut lite cartridge called 'Feeling Groovy'. I love this font and use often which is great because the 'lite' cartridges do not offer a lot of options on them and I was afraid it was going to be a waste of money.
Her binder just has her name and some white daisies on it. Wanted to keep it simple. Allison saw me doing these and asked if I could make some for her tomorrow. So off to Walmart again to get my other girl all set up and ready for a new semester.

1 comment:

  1. Kids grow up so fast and we just hope we parents teach them to make it in this word.
